

The word continuum stands for something that persists in existing for a long period of time and evolves gradually throughout this phase of development. The end point of the so far advanced product would be so much different from the point of emergence. The outlook from which the design system relates to this idea is as follows.

Continuum in Emergence

The universe began from a point of infinite density and gravity called the singularity and expands every day. Similarly, CDS started from a spark of infinite curiosity and evolves exponentially.

  • CDS Vision: CDS aims to create a unified and consistent design system that can be used across different platforms and applications. CDS strives to provide a seamless user experience and a high-quality developer experience.
  • CDS Mission: CDS is driven by the principles of innovation, collaboration and accessibility. CDS seeks to empower developers and designers to create beautiful and functional products that meet the needs and expectations of the users.
  • CDS Values: CDS values creativity, diversity and excellence. CDS respects the individuality and uniqueness of each product and user. CDS embraces the challenges and opportunities of the ever-changing digital world.

Continuum in Design

The universe is a symphony of chaos, where beauty plays in every note.

Our components replicate the similar beauty that flows from a not so perfect tangible reality.

  • Design Inspiration: Our design inspiration comes from nature, art and culture. We observe how natural phenomena, artistic expressions and cultural diversity shape our perception of reality. We translate these insights into our design language and aesthetics.
  • Design Process: Our design process is iterative, collaborative and user-centric. We follow the best practices of user research, prototyping, testing and feedback. We iterate on our design solutions until we achieve the optimal balance between form and function.
  • Design Outcomes: Our design outcomes are elegant, intuitive and adaptable. We create components that are easy to use, understand and customize. We ensure that our components are responsive, accessible and compatible with different devices and environments.

Continuum in Development

We as developers know what are the hardships of developing a software.So, CDS focusses not only on the user experience but also on the developer experience.

  • Development Tools: We use cutting-edge technologies and tools to develop our components. We leverage the power of frameworks, libraries and APIs to simplify our development process. We adopt the standards and conventions of coding, documentation and testing.
  • Development Community: We foster a vibrant and supportive development community around our components. We encourage developers to contribute, collaborate and communicate with each other. We welcome feedback, suggestions and ideas from our users and peers.
  • Development Goals: We pursue continuous improvement and excellence in our development practice. We monitor the performance, quality and usability of our components. We update, maintain and enhance our components to meet the evolving needs and demands of the market.